Katherine Jamison

“The Merricks Local”

I’m a farm girl, a horsey girl, a non-corporate-environment-girl. Photography is my passion, my obsession and my career. I take photos literally every single day, whether it’s for work or pleasure. My Limited Edition Art Prints evolved from the photos I was taking purely for my own enjoyment – hanging around in paddocks, mountains or beaches – an absolute dream work environment for me! I want my artworks to simply be enjoyed, I hope they bring a smile to anyone who looks and a connection with the beautiful location or creature in the frame. I love photographing almost anything related to rural life or life outdoors. My “work” photography brings me just as much enjoyment – interiors magazines, food photography, horse sport, winery/business marketing, families, lifestyle, events. My photography is self taught, tragically I use no knowledge related to my HECS debt. Other current careers: mother-of-2; wife; and wanna-be-farmer & show-jumper.